Million dollar homepage and pixel news

Sunday, October 30, 2005

City of pixels

Yet another approach to the "milliondollarhomepage fad" is . Not too original that
the same name was chosen, except for the hyphen. The idea of the
city I like, the mapped streets and seperate blocks are fun.
The price for a 100x100 pixel block is $80. Do a search on Google for
milliondollarhomepage and this site comes up 5th.

Friday, October 28, 2005

Free Million Dollar Bill

Then we have they do not offer a pixel site but they do sell advertising space. Price is not bad, $4 an advertisement. The ad is in the form of a button, any length to 70 characters is permitted. This offcourse is easier to read then some pixel ads, which are very small even at 100x100. Traffic is increasing on this site, when I first checked 2 weeks ago they were 4.130.000 on Alexa rank. Today they have shot up to 926119. I like their idea of giving away a million dollar bill.
Wish them all the best.

Monday, October 24, 2005

First we had

And now a few months later we have hundreds of pixel ad sites on the worl wide web. A very interesting way of selling advertising. Alex Tew's site has close to half a million pixels sold at one dollar a pixel. A tremendous success for this young entrepreneur. I am sure he has bought a lot of socks. More on this later.